
Floral Wire in white or green of various sizes for flower making and craft usage

$ 0.38 USD
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Floral wire

Color : Green or white
Measurement : Please check sizes according to each picture title
Length : 36cm each size

Gauge of each numbers

16 - 1.2mm

18 - 1.0mm

20 - 0.9mm

22 - 0.7mm

24 - 0.6mm

26 - 0.5mm

28 - 0.38mm

30 - 0.32mm

Packaging : 

No. 16 = 6-8 pcs

No. 18 = 10-12 pcs

No. 20 = 15-20 pcs

No. 22 = 18-22 pcs

No. 24 = 25-28 pcs

No. 26 = 35-40 pcs

No. 28 = 40-44 pcs

No. 30 = 55-60 pcs

* Please take note that one packet have around 6-60 pcs, depends on weight, thicker the wire, lesser the quantity, No. 16 is thickest and No. 30 is thinnest. Different brand may have different quantity inside.
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